Vesti, novine, Srbija

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 Francuska Francuska Srbija Bosna i Hercegovina Severna Makedonija Crna Gora

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About us


History of our website


Our site, which has existed since 2001, is among the most famous domestic/Serbian and ex-Yu sites and has about
1,000 visitors per day (ie up to about 30-50,000 visitors per month), mainly from our speaking area (Serbia, ex-Yu, diaspora ...) . It was created by a group of enthusiasts in the desire to enrich the Internet with a quality database of links sorted by groups and activities, for their own, and later for the needs of others, in the absence of sites with similar content and concept. We wanted to partially neutralize the lack of major world search engines and offer a reviewed and rich list of links that will help everyone to find what they want quickly and easily, without much searching. We also wanted, in the absence of better quality websites with similar content, to influence the development of the domestic Internet, the development of communications and present our economy, culture, language to the world and influence the increase of contacts between all businessmen and people from our region and the world, and thus at least in part we influence the development of the economy in our country, region and beyond.

With our work so far, we are especially trying to promote interesting and authentic sites that are useful for the widest possible range of social groups and sites with cultural, educational and humanitarian content. We try to ensure that there are no sites with illegal content, immoral, sites that promote violence and intolerance, etc. in our database, and with the content that is on it, we want to promote all the positive things that the Internet offers and modern technological development that should serve humanity.

In the recent period, a lot has been done on the redesign of our site, graphic improvement, filling in links and their better description. Inactive links are removed periodically, and new ones are added more often. We have made it possible to view our pages in 40 world languages, which is especially useful for foreigners, potential business associates from abroad and investors, as well as guests in our country and foreign tourists.

In addition to the site dedicated to the Ex-Yu area (on the domains: / Serbian version and / English version) we also have several specialized sites: - specialized for Serbia, - specialized for Bosnia and Herzegovina (Republic of Srpska and Federation of BiH), domain - specialized for Montenegro and specialized for North Macedonia. We also have a specialized site for France at the web address and a site intended for the whole world at the web address: with links to the most visited and best world sites from many categories.

On our site (ie all our domestic domains) there are
links to 26,100 domestic sites
(link counting was done on
October 30, 2022) and it represents one of the largest databases of its kind in Serbia, in the area of ex-Yugoslavia and beyond. The links on our site are 95% active and the database is regularly updated.